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MEM-Seed and iSuperSeed2

In addition to IRG research MEM·C also funds competitive exploratory and multidisciplinary team research.

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  1. Molecular Ball Joints: Mechanochemical Perturbation of BullvaleneHardy−Cope Rearrangements in Polymer Networks

    Peiguan B. Sun, Meredith N. Pomfret, Matthew J. Elardo, Adhya Suresh, Ángel Rentería-Gómez, Remy F. Lalisse, Sheila Keating, Chuqiao Chen, Shayna L. Hilburg, Progyateg Chakma, Yunze Wu, Rowina C. Bell, Stuart J. Rowan, Osvaldo Gutierrez, and Matthew R. Golder

  2. Engineering Low Volume Resuscitants for the Prehospital Care of Severe Hemorrhagic Shock

    Pichon, Trey J; Wang, Xu; Mickelson, Ethan E; Huang, Wen-Chia; Hilburg, Shayna L; Stucky, Sarah; Ling, Melissa; St_John, Alexander E; Ringgold, Kristyn M; Snyder, Jessica M; Pozzo, Lilo D; Lu, Maggie; White, Nathan J; Pun, Suzie

  3. Caught in the Act of Substitution: Interadsorbate Effects on an Atomically Precise Fe/Co/Se Nanocluster

    Kephart, Jonathan A; Zhou, Daniel Y; Sandwisch, Jason; Cajiao, Nathalia; Krajewski, Sebastian M; Malinowski, Paul; Chu, Jiun-Haw; Neidig, Michael L; Kaminsky, Werner; Velian, Alexandra