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Nanocrystals Northwest

July 23 – 25, 2025

Pack Forest Conference Center

Nanocrystals Northwest is a biennial series, organized with the goal of bringing together nanocrystal researchers from all around the Pacific Northwest to exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and strengthen ties among our regional institutions.

Past NCNW conferences have hosted 50–60 faculty, students, postdocs, and researchers from every corner of the Pacific Northwest, including from several regional PUIs, R1 schools, our regional national laboratory (PNNL), and NW nanocrystal industry. The conference format is casual, in the style of a typical Gordon conference, with 30 min research talks, ample discussion time, poster sessions, and free time to explore the surrounding area. This is a blend of faculty, industry, and student/postdoc talks and posters, and student participation is strongly encouraged!

NCNW’25 will be held as an in-person event at UW’s Pack Forest Conference Center ( in the foothills of Mt. Rainier, about a 90 min drive south of Seattle. Lodging and food will be covered by generous support received from UW’s Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C, an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center).

NCNW’25 Confirmed Speakers:

Sara Skrabalak (Indiana University, Editor-in-Chief Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters)
Matthew Crane (Colorado School of Mines)
Juan-Carlos Idrobo (University of Washington)
Kevin Kittilstved (Washington State University)
Andrea Munro (Pacific Lutheran University)
Elias Nakouzi (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Cathy Wong (University of Oregon)

More TBA!


NCNW’23 Program

Group photo from NCNW’23 (Pack Forest)

NCNW’21 Program

Group photo from NCNW’21 (UW, Seattle)

NCNW’19 Program

Group Photo from NCNW’19 (Pack Forest)