The NSF announced in July that UW MEM·C would be 1 of only 9 institutions nationwide selected for MRSEC funding in the latest round of competition, placing UW in rare and distinguished company! The entire six-year, $18M award (DMR-2308979) comes to UW and starts September 1, 2023. The Center’s focus is primarily dedicated to supporting UW students, in addition to supporting shared user facilities that serve campus broadly and a vigorous education and outreach program. Our previous (2017-2023) MRSEC funding (DMR-1719797) additionally made UW eligible for two MEM·C-led NSF Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) awards that are presently supporting exciting partnerships with minority-serving institutions (U. Hawaii, Manoa and U. Central Florida) to advance diversity in STEM at UW and on those campuses, and this new MRSEC award will now make us eligible to compete for expansion of these partnerships in an upcoming NSF PREM proposal cycle. We look forward to 6 more fruitful years of MEM·C activities at UW!