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MEM-C Seed Awards Announced for 2024/2025

The MEM-C Seed awards for the 2024/2025 award period have been announced!

Exploratory Seed grants have been awarded to UW faculty across several departments to help nascent innovative materials research efforts obtain preliminary results. Prof. Mo Chen (MSE) is leading a collaboration with Prof. Mo Li (ECE, IRG-2) to investigate in-situ strain control in superconducting qubits. Prof. David Masiello (Chemistry) is working with Prof. Juan Carlos Idrobo (IRG-1 & IRG-2) and Prof. Di Xiao (IRG-2) to explore the topological state tomography in 2D quantum materials. Prof. Sara Mouradian (ECE) will probe electric field sensing at the quantum limit for materials science with their collaborators Prof. Alexandra Velian (IRG-2) and Prof. Mo Li (IRG-2). Prof. Doug Reed (Chemistry) is teaming up with Prof. Daniel Gamelin (IRG-1) to manipulate magnetic ordering in porous chromium-halide perovskites. Prof. Gerald Seidler (Physics) will research crystal-field and covalency effects in van der Waals metal-halide compounds using multi-modal X-Ray spectroscopy and will be joined in this effort by Prof. Daniel Gamelin (IRG-1) and Prof. Xiaosong Li (IRG-1).

Multidisciplinary Team grants have been awarded to UW materials-research teams in areas complementary to MEM-C’s current research profile. Prof. Julie Rorrer (ChemE) and Prof. Eleftheria Roumeli will pursue developing biomass-derived carbon supports for catalytic applications in waste plastic deconstruction and will be joined in this effort by Prof. Lilo Pozzo (IRG-1) along with collaborators from the University of Hawai’i, Prof. Robert Johnson (UH PREM) & Prof. Przemyslaw Dera (UH PREM). Prof. Zachary Sherman (ChemE) and Prof. David Bergsman (ChemE) will also be teaming up with Prof. Lilo Pozzo (IRG-1) and collaborators from UH, Joseph Brown (UH PREM) and Chrisy Xiyu Du (UH PREM), to test the autonomous inverse design of colloidal metasurfaces with targeted dielectric function. Finally, Prof. Shijing Sun (MechE) and Prof. Kevin Jamieson (CSE) will enhance MEM-C’s AI Core efforts with their project with Prof. Dianne Xiao (IRG-1) to develop an AI agent for energy-efficient inorganic synthesis.

Congratulations to the MEM-C Seed awardees! We are lucky to have you join us in our materials science pursuits!