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Expanding the reach of quantum materials

MEM-C is a National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)
The Center has two Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRG) with unique thrusts and cross-cutting themes: IRG-1 & IRG-2
The Center is supported by a new AI Core and research grows each year with new MEM-C Seed projects


Developing a Pacific Northwest materials education ecosystem

MEM-C prepares participating graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to become leading innovators
Signature MEM-C undergrad programs focus on military members and first generation students
Broader-impact activities include NanoCamp and research experiences for K-12 teachers


Fostering a materials science community

Center partners include international institutions, industry, and national laboratories to advance its interdisciplinary research and training objectives
The Center offers open-access shared facilities to support the campus and the broader research community
The Center is developing the next generation of materials researchers with our PREM partners

The UW Molecular Engineering Materials Center (UW MEM-C) pushes the frontiers of science and accelerates the emergence of future advanced technologies. This research will lead to the discovery and development of new advanced materials, new experimental and theoretical capabilities, and new fundamental knowledge in quantum materials.

Prof. Daniel Gamelin, MEM-C Director

Very exciting to see @uwmemc receive this big federal investment in their research efforts. Washington state’s research institutions are some of the very best & it’s great to watch them continue to lead the way in science and innovation!

U.S. Senator Patty Murray

Latest News

July 25, 2024

The NSF announced today that UW MEM·C’s PREM awards with the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (UHM) and the University of Central...

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MEM-C Summer Visitors Are Here!
June 25, 2024

MEM-C is lucky to be hosting a large group of visiting researchers at UW Seattle this summer! Last week, our...

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MEM-C Faculty Award Season
May 2, 2024

Three MEM-C faculty have recieved big awards this spring!

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