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Kai-Mei Fu

Electrical & Computer EngineeringPhysicsIRG 1IRG 1 Co-LeadIRG Leaders

Kai-Mei Fu​ is Associate Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering at University of Washington.

In the Optical Spintronics and Sensing Lab we study defects in crystals. Defects have historically played an essential role in classical electronic/optical devices. Now new, nanoscale, devices are being developed based on the quantum properties of defects. We are occupied with the following questions:

* What are the fundamental properties of a known defect state? Alternatively, by measuring the properties of an unknown state, can we identify it?
* How can the quantum properties of a defect be engineered and controlled?
* What new technologies can quantum properties of defects enable?
* What new capabilities can be realized through solid-state device integration of defects?