Kevin Jamieson is an Assistant Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at UW and is the Guestrin Endowed Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Kevin's research explores how to leverage already-collected data to inform what future measurements to make next, in a closed loop. Such active learning can extract considerably richer insights than any measurement plan fixed in advance, using the same statistical budget. His work ranges from theory to practical algorithms with guarantees to open-source machine learning systems and has been adopted in a range of applications, including measuring human perception in psychology studies, adaptive A/B/n testing in dynamic web-environments, numerical optimization, and choosing hyperparameters for deep neural networks.
Position: AI Core
Ting Cao
Scott Dunham
Professor Scott Dunham, EE Dept., University of Washington .The Nanotechnology Modeling Lab at the University of Washington is part of the Electrical Engineering Department in the College of Engineering. The efforts within the Lab are focused on obtaining basic understanding of nanofabrication processes and device operation, applying that knowledge to produce better models, simulators and devices. Research within the Lab includes model development for process simulation, application of a wide range of simulation and modeling tools for device design and optimization, and experimental studies of device fabrication.