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MEM-C Undergraduate Offerings

Summer Research Experience for Undergrads (REU)

The University of Washington Molecular Engineering Materials Center (UW MEM-C) aims to accelerate the development of future energy conversion, information processing, and sensing technologies through design, discovery, processing, and application of complex electronic and photonic materials. The Summer REU program is focused on providing STEM students with opportunities to gain exposure, experience and insight related to viable and relevant career pathways focused on materials and energy research. The program especially welcomes veterans, military members, underrepresented students, students coming from under-resourced campuses, and students coming from 2-year colleges.

Our Focus: Materials Resilience and Innovation

Undergraduates will find that the research topics are both challenging and relevant to their experience. How can we provide mobile, lightweight, and inexpensive energy sources to our forces and to the communities they work with? How can materials research lead to new electronics that are compact, energy-efficient, and reliable? How can new kinds of sensors be used to improve safety, efficiency, and effectiveness?

Program Details

If selected, you will be embedded in one of the MEM-C labs for 9 weeks. You will work with a graduate student and faculty to develop a research project, gain training in relevant techniques and instrumentation, and collect data, culminating in a poster summarizing your research results. REU students participate in a weekly seminar on undergraduate research covering topics such as research ethics, writing a research abstract, and making a scientific poster. Students will participate in a weekly materials science special interest group in which they read scientific journals and tour other labs.

  • Duration: 9 weeks
  • Dates: June 23 to August 22, 2025
  • Stipend: $6,365
  • Travel and Housing: On-campus housing and allowances for food and travel to campus
  • Application Opens: 12/15/2024
  • Application Deadline: 2/15/2025


The program is designed to open doors for those who would like to explore new career options. Applicants should have completed 1 year of college coursework by the start of the program that includes some introduction to math, natural sciences, and/or engineering (e.g., chemistry, physics, computer science, materials science). Work-based experience will also be factored in. UW MEM-C is funded as an NSF MRSEC and the MEM-C REU program is available to US citizens or permanent residents 18 years of age and older.

Note: This link will direct you to the NSF Education and Training Application (ETAP) system which is an external site.